AAD Veenman - 与铁路相关服务:欧洲的不断发展的市场

AAD Veenman - 与铁路相关服务:欧洲的不断发展的市场



因此,今天的铁路运输法律框架可以在律师图书馆中占据一个“体面”的完整书架!这是否足以证明铁路行业目前已完全自由化?远离!我倾向于认为还有很多事情要做:所有这些“文书工作”需要被市场上的所有经营者(新进入者和现有公司)“消化”,以便他们都能够抓住摆在他们面前的自由市场的机会。当所需的立法在国家法律体系中得到充分、适当和一贯的执行时,铁路运输部门(就像在任何其他市场一样)才有可能实现真正的增长。它们所包含的权利和义务需要开始对市场产生具体影响。换句话说,商业的法律框架是在欧盟层面制定的,应该在全国范围内实施。这项立法规定了操场的大小和游戏规则。所有的利益相关者都可以争取真正的商业机会:使个人客户和整个社会受益的商业活动。正是在这种背景下,欧盟委员会(European Commission)现在开始质疑解决“铁路相关服务”问题的必要性。“铁路相关服务”是一个技术术语,通常用来指围绕核心基础设施的所有服务,这些服务对于实际的运输服务是必要的,有时甚至是必不可少的。欧洲委员会认为,目前的法律框架(无论是根据欧共体运输法还是根据欧共体竞争法)不足以使新进入者在正常市场条件下充分获得与铁路有关的服务。 There is therefore today a large debate on the necessity to further address these services with new additional legislation.This short paper tries to analyse this matter. It does not intend to be exhaustive, but I hope it will contribute to the debate by triggering a certain number of key issues which need further thought before more legislation (and potentially additional red tape! ) is imposed upon railway operators, whether new entrants or national companies.This paper will therefore analyse closely key elements contained in Directive 2001/14 2 which contains the principles for the access and charging rules of railway infrastructure.The principles laid down in the successive railway packages are essential to allow better accessibility to the market to all operators, including new entrants and lower market entry barriers for freight and passenger rail operators in order to offer more attractive and modern rail transport services to their customers.The main actors of the railway sector are now all actively involved in the process of making the Third Railway Package into a success. In this context, all stakeholders ( the national railway operator, new entrants, rail infrastructure managers, rail industry, regulatory bodies and competition authorities ) have a very distinctive role to play.When one takes a close look at the “Tableau de la Troupe” at this moment in time, one will be intrigued to see with how much flexibility and vigour these actors are accommodating to the changes taking place and new opportunities that are opening up.One of these new rail market opportunities is in fact the evolving market for rail related services.This paper will therefore first analyse the current state of the art on the market for rail related services. The question will then be to analyse whether rail related services can be systematically assimilated to ‘essential facilities’. In that context, how apply access rules to these facilities on a competitive market.



AAD Veenman.